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How Can I Draw Graphs on Jpanel Java

Graph Canvas : Panel « Swing Components « Java

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  2. Swing Components
  3. Panel

Graph Canvas

          /*  * The contents of this file are subject to the Sapient Public License  * Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance  * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at  *  *  * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,  * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for  * the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.  *  * The Original Code is The Carbon Component Framework.  *  * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Sapient Corporation  *  * Copyright (C) 2003 Sapient Corporation. All Rights Reserved.  */                      import                    java.awt.BasicStroke;                      import                    java.awt.Color;                      import                    java.awt.Graphics;                      import                    java.awt.Graphics2D;                      import                    java.awt.Rectangle;                      import                    java.awt.RenderingHints;                      import                    java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;                      import                    java.awt.geom.GeneralPath;                      import                    java.awt.geom.Line2D;                      import                    java.awt.geom.PathIterator;                      import                    java.awt.geom.Point2D;                      import                    java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;                      import                    java.text.NumberFormat;                      import                    java.util.HashMap;                      import                    java.util.Iterator;                      import                    java.util.Map;                      import                    javax.swing.JFrame;                      import                    javax.swing.JPanel;          /** <p>This class provides a consistent space within to graph real  * numbers. It provides features such as auto-centering and  * real-time scaling. A user of this graph provides data by creating  * one or more tracks and then adding real points to those. Calling  * translate periodically allows you to create a scrolling graph as  * well.</p>  *  * <p>This graph will also maintain tick marks that resize and  * can be stuck to the sides of the screen so they are always  * visible even if the origin is off-screen.</p>  *  * Copyright 2001 Sapient  * @author Greg Hinkle  * @version $Revision: 1.4 $ ($Author: dvoet $ / $Date: 2003/05/05 21:21:26 $)  */                      public                                class                    GraphCanvas                      extends                    JPanel {          /** A list of  Track's that are a part of this graph */                      private                    Map tracks =                      new                    HashMap(11);          /** The current graph bounds that are visible */                      protected                    Rectangle2D graphBounds;          /** The portion of the entire height that should be researved as      * a border, above and below the highest and lowest track points */                      private                                static                                final                                double                    BORDER_PERCENT = 0.1d;          /** The background color for this graph */                      protected                    Color backgroundColor =                      new                    Color(204,204,204);                      protected                                static                    NumberFormat labelFormat = null;                      protected                                static                    NumberFormat bigNumberLabelFormat = null;          /**      * Instantiates a graph canvas      */                      public                    GraphCanvas() {                      super          ();          setBackground(;          this.graphBounds =                      new                    Rectangle2D.Double(-5,0,150,2);           this.labelFormat = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance();         this.labelFormat.setMaximumFractionDigits(2);          this.bigNumberLabelFormat = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance();         this.bigNumberLabelFormat.setMaximumFractionDigits(0);           System.out.println("GraphCanvas::<init> - New GraphCanvas created.");     }          /**      * <p>Sets the background color of this graph      *      * @param color the Color to set the background to      */                      public                                void                    setBackgroundColor(Color color) {         this.backgroundColor = color;     }          /** Gets the bounds of the graphing space that are currently showing      * on the screen.      * @return Rectangle2D The bounds of the currently visible graph      */                      public                    Rectangle2D getGraphBounds() {                      return                    this.graphBounds;     }          /**      * Sets the bounds that this graph is displaying      *      * @param rect the Rectangle2D of the desired graph points      */                      public                                void                    setGraphBounds(Rectangle2D rect) {         this.graphBounds = rect;     }                      public                    AffineTransform getTransform() {          AffineTransform affineT =                      new                    AffineTransform(1d,0d,0d,-1d,0d,super.getParent().getHeight());          // scale to current scale                    affineT.concatenate(         AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(         this.getBounds().getWidth() / this.graphBounds.getWidth(),         this.getBounds().getHeight() / this.graphBounds.getHeight()));          // translate to the current origin                    affineT.concatenate(         AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(         -this.graphBounds.getX(),         -this.graphBounds.getY()));                      return                    affineT;     }          // CLEAR ALL CURVES FROM PLOT                                public                                void                    clear() {      }                      public                                void                    addTrack(String trackName) {         this.tracks.put(trackName,                      new                    Track(trackName));     }                      public                                void                    addTrack(String trackName,Color color) {         this.tracks.put(trackName,                      new                    Track(trackName,color));     }          // ADD CURVE TO STORAGE (DOESN'T GRAPH UNTIL REPAINT()).                                public                                void                    addPoint(String track, Point2D point) {         ((Track)this.tracks.get(track)).addPoint(point);     }                      public                    Track getTrack(String trackName) {                      return                    (Track) this.tracks.get(trackName);     }                      public                                void                    clearAll() {         this.getGraphics().clearRect(         (            int          )getBounds().getX(),         (            int          )getBounds().getY(),         (            int          )getBounds().getWidth(),         (            int          )getBounds().getHeight());     }                      public                                void                    paint(Graphics gg) {         Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) gg;         g.setBackground(this.backgroundColor);          // What is the current graph to panel transform                    AffineTransform newTrans = getTransform();          g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING,RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_OFF);          // Erase this entire graph so that we can redraw it                    g.clearRect(             (            int          )getBounds().getX(),             (            int          )getBounds().getY(),             (            int          )getBounds().getWidth(),             (            int          )getBounds().getHeight());          // This draws the tick marks and the tick values                    drawLines(g,newTrans);          // This drawes the axeses                    drawAxes(g,newTrans);          // This draws each of tracks in this graph                    drawTracks(g,newTrans);          // This draws the keys for each graph                    drawKey(g,newTrans);     }          /**      * <p>Draw the key to the tracks by calling thier toString</p>      *      * @param graphics2D the Graphics2D to draw to      * @param transform the Affine Transform to use to determine how to draw      */                      protected                                void                    drawKey(Graphics2D g, AffineTransform transform) {                      int                    start = 20;          Iterator trackIterator = this.tracks.values().iterator();                      while          (trackIterator.hasNext()) {              Track track = (Track);              String info = track.toString();          // Will draw the key in the same color as it's line                    g.setColor(track.getColor());             g.drawString(info,50, start+=25);         }     }                      protected                                void                    drawTracks(Graphics2D g, AffineTransform transform) {          // Store original transform to restore it later                    // until I figure out how to track differences only                    AffineTransform origTrans = g.getTransform();          // Transform for local drawing                    g.transform(transform);          g.setColor(;          // Using a small stroke will minimize the width to a single output                    // level pixel up to a reasonable scaling size                    g.setStroke(            new                    BasicStroke(0.001f));          // Draw the tracks                    Iterator trackIterator = this.tracks.values().iterator();                      while                    (trackIterator.hasNext()) {             Track track = (Track);             g.setColor(track.getColor());             GeneralPath path = track.getPath();              g.draw(path);         }          // Reset transformation                    g.setTransform(origTrans);     }          /**      * This draws the axes      */                      protected                                void                    drawAxes(Graphics2D g,AffineTransform transform) {         g.setColor(Color.white);          Point2D origin = transform.transform(            new                    Point2D.Double(0,0),null);          // If you want to have rubber banding axes (always visible)                    Rectangle2D axesRect =                      new                    Rectangle2D.Double(5,5,this.bounds().getWidth()-10,this.bounds().getHeight());         origin = floorPoint(origin,axesRect);          Line2D x =                      new                    Line2D.Double(         getBounds().getMinX(), origin.getY(),         getBounds().getMaxX(), origin.getY());          Line2D y =                      new                    Line2D.Double(         origin.getX(), getBounds().getMinY(),         origin.getX(), getBounds().getMaxY());          g.draw(x);         g.draw(y);     }          /**      * <p>This finds the closest point on a rectangle's edge to a point outside      * the rectangle or if that point is within the rectangle it is returned.      * </p>      *      * @param point The point to rectangularly floor      * @param rect The rectangle to floor within      */                      public                                static                    Point2D floorPoint(Point2D point, Rectangle2D rect) {                      double                    x = point.getX();                      double                    y = point.getY();                      if                    (x < rect.getMinX())             x = rect.getMinX();                      if                    (x > rect.getMaxX())             x = rect.getMaxX();                      if                    (y < rect.getMinY())             y = rect.getMinY();                      if                    (y > rect.getMaxY())             y = rect.getMaxY();                      return                                new                    Point2D.Double(x,y);     }          /**      * <p>This draws the tick marks in the graph      *      */                      protected                                void                    drawLines(Graphics2D g, AffineTransform transform) {          g.setColor(Color.white);                      int                    REAL_TICK_SPACE = 40;                      int                    REAL_TICK_HEIGHT = 10;                      double                    graphTickSpaceX = (REAL_TICK_SPACE / transform.getScaleX());                      double                    graphTickSpaceY = (REAL_TICK_SPACE / Math.abs(transform.getScaleY()));           Point2D origin = transform.transform(            new                    Point2D.Float(0,0),null);          // If you want to have rubber banding axes (always visible)                    Rectangle2D axesRect =                      new                    Rectangle2D.Double(5,5,this.bounds().getWidth()-10,this.bounds().getHeight());         Point2D falseOrigin = floorPoint(origin,axesRect);                      double                    firstX = this.graphBounds.getMinX();          Point2D pt =                      new                    Point2D.Float();                      for                    (            double                    x = firstX; x <= (this.graphBounds.getMaxX()+graphTickSpaceX); x += graphTickSpaceX) {                      double                    tx = (Math.floor(x/graphTickSpaceX)) * graphTickSpaceX;             pt.setLocation(tx,0);             transform.transform(pt,pt);             g.drawLine((            int          )pt.getX(),(            int          )falseOrigin.getY() - 5 ,(            int          )pt.getX(),(            int          )falseOrigin.getY() + 5);              String label;                      if                    (tx > 10)                 label = this.bigNumberLabelFormat.format(tx);                      else                    label = this.labelFormat.format(tx);              g.drawString(label,                 (            float          )pt.getX(),(            float          )falseOrigin.getY()-9);         }                      double                    firstY = this.graphBounds.getMinY();                      for                    (            double                    y = firstY; y <= (this.graphBounds.getMaxY()+graphTickSpaceY); y += graphTickSpaceY) {                      double                    ty = (Math.floor(y/graphTickSpaceY)) * graphTickSpaceY;             pt.setLocation(0,ty);             transform.transform(pt,pt);             g.drawLine((            int          )falseOrigin.getX() - 5,(            int          )pt.getY() ,(            int          )falseOrigin.getX() + 5,(            int          )pt.getY());              String label;                      if                    (ty > 10)                 label = this.bigNumberLabelFormat.format(ty);                      else                    label = this.labelFormat.format(ty);              g.drawString(label,                 (            float          )falseOrigin.getX()+7,(            float          )pt.getY());          }     }                      public                                static                                class                    Track {                      protected                    String name;                      protected                    Color color =;          //Default to black                                protected                    GeneralPath path =                      new                    GeneralPath();                      protected                                boolean                    started = false;                      protected                    NumberFormat keyFormat;                      public                    Track(String name) {                      super          ();    = name;              this.keyFormat = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance();             this.keyFormat.setMaximumFractionDigits(2);         }                      public                    Track(String name, Color color) {                      this          (name);             this.color = color;         }                      public                                void                    setPath(GeneralPath path) {             this.path = path;         }                      public                    GeneralPath getPath() {                      return                    this.path;         }                      public                                void                    addPoint(Point2D point) {                      if                    (path.getCurrentPoint() == null) {                 this.path.moveTo((            float          )point.getX(),(            float          )point.getY());                 this.started = true;             }                      else                    {                 this.path.lineTo((            float          )point.getX(),(            float          )point.getY());             }          }                      public                    Color getColor() {                      return                    this.color;         }                      public                                void                    setColor(Color color) {             this.color = color;         }                      public                    String toString() {             String value = null;                      if                    (this.path.getCurrentPoint() != null) {                      double                    val = this.path.getCurrentPoint().getY();          //NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance();                    value = this.keyFormat.format(val);             }                      return           +          ": "          + value;         }     }          /**      * <p>Bounds the graph to the limits of the tracks verticaly providing a      * useful scaling. A more intelligent implementation could have minimum      * bounds to limit the bouncyness to startup.</p>      */                      public                                void                    verticalBound() {         Rectangle2D rect = null;         Rectangle2D orig = getGraphBounds();          Iterator trackIterator = this.tracks.values().iterator();                      while          (trackIterator.hasNext()) {             Track track = (Track);              GeneralPath path = track.getPath();                      if                    (rect == null)                 rect = path.getBounds2D();                      else                    Rectangle.union(rect,path.getBounds2D(),rect);         }         Rectangle.union(rect,            new                    Rectangle2D.Double(orig.getX(),0,1,1),rect);                      double                    border = rect.getHeight() * BORDER_PERCENT;          setGraphBounds(            new                    Rectangle2D.Double(             orig.getMinX(),             rect.getMinY()-border,             orig.getWidth(),             rect.getHeight()+(2d*border)));     }                      public                                void                    clipOld() {         Rectangle2D rect = getGraphBounds();          //Rectangle2D orig = AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(1.5,1.5).createTransformedShape(getGraphBounds()).getBounds();                    Iterator trackIterator = this.tracks.values().iterator();                      double          [] cs =                      new                                double          [6];                      while          (trackIterator.hasNext()) {             Track track = (Track);              GeneralPath path = track.getPath();              GeneralPath newPath =                      new                    GeneralPath();              PathIterator pIter = path.getPathIterator(            new                    AffineTransform());                      while                    (!pIter.isDone()) {                  pIter.currentSegment(cs);          //Point2D pt = new Point2D.Double(cs[0],cs[1]);                                if                    (cs[0] > rect.getMinX()) {                      if                    (newPath.getCurrentPoint() == null)                         newPath.moveTo((            float          )cs[0],(            float          )cs[1]);                      else                    newPath.lineTo((            float          )cs[0],(            float          )cs[1]);                 }          /*                 System.out.println("Current Segment: " +                 cs[0] + ", " +                 cs[1] + ", " +                 cs[2] + ", " +                 cs[3] + ", " +                 cs[4] + ", " +                 cs[5]);                  **/;              }             track.setPath(newPath);         }      }          /**      * <p>Translates the main graph rect by x and y, horizontally and vertically      * respectively.</p>      */                      public                                void                    translate(            double                    x,                      double                    y) {            Rectangle2D rect = getGraphBounds();         setGraphBounds(                      new                    Rectangle2D.Double(rect.getMinX()+x,         rect.getMinY()+y,rect.getWidth(),rect.getHeight()));     }                      public                                static                                void                    main(String[] args)                      throws                    Exception {          GraphCanvas gc =                      new                    GraphCanvas();;          JFrame frame =                      new                    JFrame("Memory Graph");         frame.getContentPane().add(gc);         frame.setSize(600,200);          // TODO: Add window exit listener          ;         gc.repaint();         gc.paint((Graphics2D)gc.getGraphics());                      long                    start = System.currentTimeMillis();          gc.addTrack("test", Color.cyan);         gc.addTrack("test2",;         gc.addTrack("test3",;         gc.addTrack("test4", Color.yellow);         gc.addTrack("test5",;         gc.addTrack("test6",;         gc.addTrack("test7",;                      int                    i=0;                      while                    (true) {             i++;              Point2D pt =                      new                    Point2D.Float(i,((            float          )Math.cos(i/20f) + (            float          )Math.sin(i/40f)) * 3f);             gc.addPoint("test",pt);              Point2D pt2 =                      new                    Point2D.Float(i,(            float          )Math.cos(i/25.0f)*10f);             gc.addPoint("test2",pt2);              Point2D pt3 =                      new                    Point2D.Float(i,Math.min((            float          )Math.cos(Math.sin(i/4f))*13f - (            float          )Math.cos(i/80f)*20f,400f));             gc.addPoint("test3",pt3);              Point2D pt4 =                      new                    Point2D.Float(i,                 (            float          ) Math.sin(.31*i)*2f +                 ((            float          )2f*(            float          )Math.cos(.07f*i))*8f);             gc.addPoint("test4",pt4);              Point2D pt5 =                      new                    Point2D.Float(i,                 (            float          ) Math.cos(.66*i)*1f +                 ((            float          )2f*(            float          )Math.cos(.07f*i))*3f);             gc.addPoint("test5",pt5);              Point2D pt6 =                      new                    Point2D.Float(i,                 (            float          ) Math.sin(.31*i)*2f +                 ((            float          )2f*(            float          )Math.cos(.07f*Math.tan(i)))*5f);             gc.addPoint("test6",pt6);              Point2D pt7 =                      new                    Point2D.Float(i,                 (            float          ) Math.sin(i)*2f +                 ((            float          )2f*(            float          )Math.sin(.25f*i))*0.5f);             gc.addPoint("test7",pt7);                      if                    (i > 150)                 gc.translate(1,0);              gc.verticalBound();          //if(i%100 == 0) {                    gc.clipOld();          //}                    gc.repaint();              Thread.sleep(10);                      if                    (i % 100 == 0) {                 System.out.println("Framewrate: "          +                     (100d / ((System.currentTimeMillis()-start)/1000d)));                 start = System.currentTimeMillis();             }         }      } }        

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How Can I Draw Graphs on Jpanel Java
